Working with American Freight Service for your warehouse and lumping needs benefits everyone along your supply chain including shippers, receivers, drivers, and our team too.

Compound Efficiency Down the Line
Our team provides the increased ability to fulfill peak loading and unloading periods and convert loads to pallet configurations. These kinds of advantages magnify many times over a supply chain, which gives you a competitive edge.
Extended Driver Careers
It is difficult to build a good team of drivers. By reducing their time spent loading and unloading, you also reduce their fatigue. This sharply decreases health and injury risks for the driver and maximizes their drive time.
Fair Rates. Fair Treatment.
We won’t take on a job we aren’t equipped to handle, so you won’t wait. Our foundation built on fair and transparent communication and payment, keeps our team happy as well as yours.
Many Hands Make for Quick Turnarounds.
Unlike many lumping providers, we put an average of three employees on a job to keep things moving quickly. Their experience working together makes for efficient loading and problem solving.
Increased Safety and Decreased Liability.
We want to keep our people safe as well as yours. That’s why our team completes necessary OSHA training. By working with us, you’re choosing to keep your own team out of harm’s way.
Need help?
Fill out this contact form or call 317-736-4062. We will be in touch with you as soon as possible.